Spring flower in lilla / Flori de primăvară în mov

I would add my creations here, one by one, to have it all in one place. But the online shop is still only for them. http://www.silvings.com Îmi voi adăuga creațiile aici,una câte una, să fie toate sub același nou acoperiș Silving.org. Însă magazinul online rămâne rezervat doar lor : http://www.Silvings.com Cu gândul la primavara 🙂

Raspberry / Zmeură

This sweet Raspberry came out of nowhere.Or rather,out of accident. First I spilled some pink paint and since I didn’t want it to go to waste, I painted a big wood bead,thinking I will once use it for something. Later my little son came when I happened not to be around for some seconds and…